I have been reading this book about the tactics a Narcissist use..and I was amazed to learn how many guys have these tendencies. Without even realizing it I was sucked into an entire emotional rollercoaster...the measures one will take . And I as well learned I myself have a few of these fucked up ways...When I want something . I do what I gotta do to achieve my goals...i dont know if I would say its wrong. I think that's how you get to the top of the food chain. Per say...lol...maybe people are sensitive these days and have become soft...i think its your own responsibility to educate yourself of human nature and personality disorders so you dont fall victim to their bullshit...especially when conversing and interacting with different people is what you do...Today . the term narcissist is thrown around to freely. People should stop labeling people narcissistic when they are nothing more than strong willed and not easily fooled...Just because they dont allow your fucked up attempt to manipulate them. You try and cut them down a size because you feel inferior...ha...i say ...nice try....Inform yourself everyone. Cuz they are out there..Recognize the red flags and nip it in the ass asap...avoid unnecessary drama...the more input the better output....