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Thread: What Exactly Is Make America Great Again?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    What Exactly Is Make America Great Again?

    America has always been great regardless of who is the POTUS. We enjoy many freedoms and benefits that lots of other countries do not.

    1. What needs to occur to make America great again?
    2. If America is not currently great, what is it? Mediocre? Shitty?

    America cannot pivot on a dime, so whoever is in office will simply alter legislation a few degrees to the left of right, but not change the core mechanics and workings of government. Hopefully we get some intelligent replies before things descend into Libs or the GOP sucks. Let’s skip past which party sucks and focus on the questions I posed.

  2. #2
    Retired Site "Guide"
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    Here now. Not there.
    Make America great again is history. That happened November 2016. We're on to keep America great now. That's happening every day. Look around.

  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD YssupRider's Avatar
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    In the blink of the Orange Sphincter’s eye, the world has been righted.

    Glad we, errrr, HE fixed everything!


  4. #4
    Retired Companion
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    Midnight in the garden of good and evil.
    It means America will no longer be a punching bag for China, Mexico,North Korea,ect. President Trump has quit with the defensive bullshit and started saying it the way it is.

  5. #5
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    Both of your answers are generic and does not elaborate on what he has fixed. What exactly has Trump fixed that was broken? List what was broken and his contribution to fixing it.

  6. #6
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    Austin Ellen,

    The US has never been a punching bag for any of the countries you mentioned. All democratic and GOP presidents before trump took a more diplomatic approach. Specific to China, trump just spared Chinese phone maker ZTE from collapse. China is a communist country that trump just supported. Suddenly ivanka gets approval for additional China trademarks. Does this show that trump uses the US for his own personal gain and does not care about Dems or GOP? Everyone is overlooking the severe case of nepotism with the trump family. What if Clinton or Reagan kept a communist country phone company afloat, what would your response be? How exactly has trump made america great again. All of his supporters struggle to provide details beyond he beat Hilary.

  7. #7
    Verified Hobbyist BCD YssupRider's Avatar
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    If you believe this country has been the punching bag of these and “etc.” countries, then you need to see the world.

  8. #8
    Retired Site "Guide"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdawg300 View Post
    Both of your answers are generic and does not elaborate on what he has fixed. What exactly has Trump fixed that was broken? List what was broken and his contribution to fixing it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdawg300 View Post
    How exactly has trump made america great again..
    Why bother? Your mind is already made up. No answer we could give would change that. In a way you're like Kim Jong Un. You've already shown us your hand.

  9. #9
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    My mind is not made up. I am simply asking for people to state in detail why they think trump made america great again. I am not looking to say what I believe is better or who I support is better. I think our country is hands down the best, so when someone says make it great again, it is logical to ask what is needed to make it great again? I am not looking to have another Dems vs GOP troll session. Just a neutral state your case convo.

  10. #10
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    Bait is for fish.

  11. #11
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Russ38's Avatar
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    Like the age-old question....if you gotta ask.....
    I have mood poisoning. Must be something I hate....
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdawg300 View Post
    America has always been great regardless of who is the POTUS. We enjoy many freedoms and benefits that lots of other countries do not.

    1. What needs to occur to make America great again?
    2. If America is not currently great, what is it? Mediocre? Shitty?

    America cannot pivot on a dime, so whoever is in office will simply alter legislation a few degrees to the left of right, but not change the core mechanics and workings of government. Hopefully we get some intelligent replies before things descend into Libs or the GOP sucks. Let’s skip past which party sucks and focus on the questions I posed.
    I'm not a MAGAtarian, but here goes...

    For large companies it means less taxes and less regulation. Mission accomplished. We'll see how the consequences play out.
    For small companies, same thing. Not sure how much they were helped with the tax break, but they probably got less regulation. Consequences as above.
    In the geopolitical arena, it could mean a return to the time after WWII and before the Korean Conflict, but before globalization became a thing is a safe bet.
    For some it means more jobs. A closer look at how unemployment is calculated might paint a different picture, but for now, continuation of a trend.
    For some it means higher paying jobs. Saw there was a 2% increase recently. Haven't looked to see if this is a continuation of a trend.
    For some it means better/cheaper healthcare. Hasn't happened yet.
    For some it means tougher immigration policies. No new laws, but enforcement and procedures are tougher.
    For some it means a "return" to "fair" judges. For evangelicals, this might work as expected. For non-evangelicals, FOSTA-SESTA is just the beginning.
    I could break this last one into more, but in a nutshell, for some, it means putting brown people "back in their place."

    Some of the above overlap, and they don't apply to all MAGAtarians (especially the last one), but it is what it is.
    "Are you sure you saw what you saw?"

  13. #13
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Agent220's Avatar
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    As a "Brown person" one can look to Charlotesville, and all these white power movements that Trump never called out his disgust in as a perversion of his MAGA movement.

    I didn't vote for or against Trump in 2016 instead abstaining from voting in the general election. If Bernie Sanders got the nomination to go against Trump, I will most certainly for him since he is one of very few candidates that is very strong on criminal justice reform, drug reform, believes gun manufacturers should Not be held responsible for the act of looneys and will likely get a cabinet worth a damn instead of these mis-matched people i.e. Rick Perry, Ben Carson, etc.
    220: "2econd 2 n0ne"

    "Someday if you're lucky, you will wake up and realize you are old...your belly will go soft, your pretty ass will sag, your back will ache in the night; gray hairs will sprout from your ears. Make sure you fucked your fill before that day!"

    Oberian Martell "The Red Viper"...Game of Thrones

  14. #14
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Russ38's Avatar
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    I have mood poisoning. Must be something I hate....
    ~Marilyn Manson~

  15. #15
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agent220 View Post
    As a "Brown person" one can look to Charlotesville, and all these white power movements that Trump never called out his disgust in as a perversion of his MAGA movement.

    I didn't vote for or against Trump in 2016 instead abstaining from voting in the general election. If Bernie Sanders got the nomination to go against Trump, I will most certainly for him since he is one of very few candidates that is very strong on criminal justice reform, drug reform, believes gun manufacturers should Not be held responsible for the act of looneys and will likely get a cabinet worth a damn instead of these mis-matched people i.e. Rick Perry, Ben Carson, etc.
    MAGA is different things to different people. To white supremacists, there is no perversion of MAGA. To other MAGAtarians, there is no perversion. They can just say, "That's not me."
    "Are you sure you saw what you saw?"

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