Feel like I’ve been to hell and came back. I am sure will be same for tonight. At least my oxymeter warns me ahead of the hell. I’ve been thru some bad flu , H1N1 and illness but last night was no joke. Luckily, still no severe shortness of breathing. Foot swelling came down but discoloration is there. Worst part of all so far is when oxygen level goes down, I get chill for minutes then burns, hallucination, and fuck with my mind. I can handle headaches and body aches (they are not any worse than military trainings).
Most likely I got it but I will get my test tomorrow.

I got responses today that indy lady got tested negative. Agency told me 3 ladies I met will get tested. Luxury, texted me and told me thank you and ladies I met will get tested. Sun texted me and told me “Fuck You”.

People, be safe, get tested frequently. If you’re positive take a break. This shit is no joke. This is for you and others.

I was healthy and going through this hell every night but I don’t know how Trump survived through. Now sunset scares me because I don’t know what to expect when night comes.