Quote Originally Posted by haveacold1atx View Post
It's funny. To me you're describing every conservative I've ever known. They wear their insecurity on their sleeves, completely oblivious of it. Just like you do. The fact that someone can be so secure in their masculinity that they don't constantly need it reinforced through everything they surround themselves with in their lives, haunts you. That somebody can actually be compassionate and civic minded without having their masculinity challenged. The lies you believe so your absolved of your desire to cause massacres with your massacre toys. Your secret racist beliefs that you couch in other policies in a vein attempt to mask them, because YOUR skin color, (ahem) I mean "tradition and heritage" are more important. The needlessly-huge, shit-spewing, barbaric machines you drive to compensate for your small penises. You people will literally believe any lie from a world power, even if it's from Trump, one of the most notorious career and criminal liars on the planet, as long as it appeals to you narcissistic sensibilities.
Excuse me but that is so sexist. I'm a female conservative. I don't agree with everything the conservatives say and do but I am a die hard Trump supporter. Again I am a female. I have NO masculinity that is threatened.