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Thread: The Reckoning: An original spanking erotic essay

  1. #1
    Verified Hobbyist BCD SpencerTracy's Avatar
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    Austin, Texas

    The Reckoning: An original spanking erotic essay

    Kayle knew she was in trouble. She was a freshman in college, but she still lived at home. And mom and dad, she knew, were upset. And this was the reckoning. Wanting to delay the inevitable, she had the uber driver drop her off at the corner rather than the driveway. She wasn't sure whether walking slow was making it worse mentally, but she was damn sure she needed time to prepare. But the butterflies in her stomach were in full revolt and she wanted desperately to go back in time and change course.


    About six months ago, as a joke, she and a friend, Joanie, joined a site known for being a way for college girls to make extra money with middle age and older men with some available cash. Joanie, being a bit more worldly, seemed to know what happened on those sites. She was already fairly sexually active, Kayle knew, but as they laughed and filled out the detail on the site, they both started having a tingling sensation. A mixture of danger and excitement that neither had really felt before. So they pushed each other to continue to fill out the bio while drinking the wine Joanie had stolen from her parent's supply.

    "We need photos!" Joanie said, pulling out her iphone and going to the camera setting while trying to locate her selfie stick. And for the next hour Kayle and Joanie played dress up in Joanie's room: doing each other's hair, trying different wigs, and they even tried some different makeup tricks Joanie had learned on Youtube. As the night went along, and the more buzzed they got from the wine, they both started trying to outdo each other in the photos. Finally, when Kayle had the iphone pointed at her, Joanie quickly pulled up her skirt and showed her shapely bottom from under the schoolgirl skirt she had put on for the latest set, showing her bright white panties that glowed with the camera flash. And right before picture #4 was snapped, Joanie grabbed those panties and mooned the camera as Kayle snapped the shot. Her round, beautiful young bottom looking every bit athletic that her years of cheerleading provided.

    After that, all bets were off.

    Joanie started a striptease as Kayle took more and more revealing photos, until finally Joanie grabbed the camera and indicated it was Kayle's turn to show off. And show off she did. Kayle took her black dress off to reveal her matching beige bra and panty set, a brand new set she had only recently bought. After Joanie took shot after shot, Kayle, trying to look shy but feeling very bold, slowly removed her bra while showing her cleavage to the camera, finally dropping it to the ground. And she realized that this evening was making her quite a bit tingly and moist, so she laid down on the bed and began to show off for Joanie by moving her panties to the side, as Joanie continued to snap pictures of this intimate act. And Kayle started to touch herself, slowly at first, taking a glance at Joanie to see if Joanie was making fun of her. In that glance she noticed that Joanie was mirroring her act and starting to rub herself as well from the vanity bench across from the bed.

    And then Joanie's iphone loudly said "OH MY!" in George Takei's voice, so loudly they both snapped out of the sexy haze they were in, and realized just what they were doing.
    It was a text message from another of Joanie's friends. And they both had a big laugh, put their clothes back on, and went back to laughing about the site they were originally playing with and trying to figure out how to upload some of the best of the photos they had just taken. Joanie then uploaded the photos from the cloud to her laptop, and went to work finishing the two profiles on the sugaring site. At the end of the night, they had personas, revealing photos (although not the more hardcore ones), and they let their profiles go live. Their eyes were wide open waiting to see what responses they were going to get. But when they didn't get anything right away, and it was late, and they were pretty drunk, so they fell asleep.

    Kayle had forgotten about the profile, until a few months later, when at home on her laptop, she noticed that she had gotten an email from the site that was stuck in her spam folder. In it, it said that she "had messages". All of a sudden, the whoosh of excitement and danger came back to her as she remembered that night. And she quickly logged on just to see what was there. There were quite a few messages there, but one stood out. It was a message from a gentleman that called himself Jonathan. In it, he asked to meet her in person. She was able to tell from his profile that he was looking for "friend with benefits", but that he also was a fairly wealthy looking silver fox. She couldn't contain herself, so she responded to the message, and offered to meet him at a coffee shop far away from her house that evening. She couldn't wait to laugh with Joanie about this after she met with him. Oh the laughs they would have...

    She started getting ready for the meet, and got all dressed up in that same black dress from the photos so that he'd recognize her right away. And she couldn't wait to get there and see what this is all about. She was in a whirlwind of makeup, and hair drying, and touching up her makeup, and she lost track of time. Suddenly she realized she was running late and the uber was already arriving, so she bolted toward the door. Her parents, seeing she was all dolled up, very unusual for their daughter, asked where she was going. "Going to see Joanie, thought we'd go out to dinner". And so she left in a spin out the door.

    She got in the uber, and off to the date she went. The date went well, they agreed to see each other again, and he handed her three hundred dollars and paid for their coffee. "I can't wait to see you again" he said, and off he went.

    As she went to her phone, she noticed she had several missed calls from her mother, but no voice mail. And she then looked at her text messages.

    And her heart stopped.

    In the message was a photo her mother took. It was of Kayle's laptop, with her profile from the site and messages visible. She had forgotten to log out! How could she be so stupid! Her mother saw her profile and all of her revealing photos. This. Is. Bad. She rushed to call her mother to try to explain what happened, but it was clear from the photos she got by text that not only did her mother know about the profile, the photos...but she had access to the responses to the messages. She knew. She knew why Kayle was out, and who she was with. So Kayle rushed to call her mother back...really not knowing what she was going to say.

    Her mother answered the phone and said, "Get. Home. Now." And hung up the phone.

    Growing up, her parents had never spared the rod. Kayle's parents were from the south, and they were not afraid to redden a bottom if there was some misbehaving, but they did it rather infrequently. And suddenly she felt a school girl again, in trouble. But this one was different. This was worse. This was serious. This was not going to be some "back talk" type of situation. This was not going to be a couple of swats and a finger wagging. This was bad.

    As she thought about it, butterflies exploding in her stomach as she approached the house, she felt her steps slower and slower, heavier and heavier. The lights were on inside, and her hands were shaking as she walked up the steps to the house and could barely use the keys to unlock the door. As she entered the foyer, she could see her brother. He was her twin, and he could hardly contain his smiling about what he knew was about to occur. He's been in bad situations himself a few times, but it had been a long time since either of them was in this much trouble and he knew it. Just as Kayle was about to confront him, she saw her mother move into the hall, flush with anger, and said, "Upstairs!" So as Kayle started to cry, she ran up the stairs, hoping she could hide forever in her room.

    The next twenty minutes might as well have been a decade. Finally, she could hear her father coming up the stairs. That was unusual. Her mother almost always would be the one to provide the discipline, whatever it was, unless it was for her brother. And the butterflies returned in full force.

    He opened the door. Kayle's father was about six feet, average build, but a stern face that was often tough to read. He had a slight southern twang that creeped out when he spoke, which was more in a whisper than a yell. But that was not at all what Kayle noticed as he walked in the room, it was the twelve inch wooden paddle in his left hand that caught her attention. And it was abundantly clear what was about to transpire. She also realized he failed to close the door and she could see her brother sneak a peak into the room from down the hall. He was arranging a location to see the activities so he can taunt her later. She noticed, too, that her brother had somehow gotten his friend Sam to come over, and they were both watching with sheer delight what was about to occur. But she was too frightened of seeing the paddle to complain. There were way more things to worry about right now.

    Kayle's father said, "You know what you did, so we'll talk about that later. Now, you're too old for me to do anything on the bare like you deserve, but your mother will handle some of that when I'm done. For now, she decided that this event is so serious, she wants this one to count. And she wants me to start."

    At that point, the begging started. It was tough to recall exactly what was said between the sobs and the tears, but it was something like "No, dad...I know what I did was don't have to do this!" But it was clear he was having none of it. His response, sternly, was "bend over the bed. If you don't do that in five seconds, you will go from ten to twenty." And she knew he was serious, having been through this before in her youth. It didn't pay to delay once the decision was made. And his tone was not one of negotiation.

    So she got up slowly from her chair, and walked over to the bed, and bent over her blue and grey comforter, with her hands clutching it, hoping whatever pressure comes from her white knuckles will ease the thumping sting that is about to happen.

    And sting it did.

    "THWAP!" went the first lick. Being used to mother's spankings, which were no slouch either, Kayle was not quite prepared for this. The pain hit her so thoroughly that she blew out all the air in her lungs, while seemingly unable to breath it back in. One of these licks was enough for her to never, ever do whatever they said not to do ever again. And as the oxygen started to return to her brain and tears exploded from her face, she realized there were going to be nine more of these. And her brain was just coming to terms with that horror as...

    "THWAP!" the second lick blistered through those thoughts. She clutched the comforter tightly as one after another the paddle struck her bottom through that black dress. Oh how she wished she had worn something thicker! Why not jeans? But she knew that for this, it wouldn't matter. Her butt was getting a whoopin' of a lifetime, and it was going to bruise, dress or jeans wouldn't have made a difference. And at some point, the adrenaline in her blood rushed throughout her body and made her go from sharp pain to thumping numb, until it was finally completed. Kayle collapsed into a fetal position on the floor, crying at the embarrassment and pain in equal amounts.

    As he finished, her father said, "Kayle, you're not done. Your mother is composing herself, after what she saw, and will be up later. Get dressed for bed and she will be up soon. Give me your phone. I pay for it, you can't have it until I decide you can have it." And he left the room. After a minute, wimpering, she got up and closed the door so that her brother and Sam would no longer get a show. And she proceeded to change into her t shirt and panties for bed, hoping, somehow, her mother would just talk to her. She was wrong.

    In what seemed like another hour, but was probably about twenty minutes, Kayle's mother came up the stairs. Kayle didn't think anything could be as bad as what she experienced. But she was wrong again. Her mother, holding a wooden spoon from the kitchen, came in and said, "lift your shirt, take your panties down, and get over my knee." Kayle noticed that again her mother didn't close the door, and she was NOT going to show her bare ass to Sam. "Mother! The door!" Pointing to where Sam and her brother were hanging out, seemingly playing video games, but clearly paying attention to the ruckus.

    "You didn't have a problem showing your ass on the internet, I'm not going to worry about it now. Now get to it!" Again, delaying was going to be worse, so as painful and embarrassing as it was, it was going to be much worse if she fought at all right now. But Kayle was flush red with embarrassment now, and she realized the way she was facing, Sam would get a full view of "everything", and he was clearly trying to "look but not look". So as she turned around and took her panties down, and bent over her mother's knee and raising her bare ass to the sky, Kayle could feel the "whoosh" of air between her legs and the parting of her butt cheeks for all to see in it's glory. So she closed her eyes, pretending this wasn't happening, as her mother gave her swats, harder than she ever had before, on her already bright red bottom. Each swat had a smaller sting than the paddle, and a lot less thump, but they came faster than the paddle and a lot less time to recover between the swats. Thwap! Thwap!Thwap!Thwap! went the spoon, rippling her bottom with each stroke, and what seemed like a thousand more just like it.

    As her mother completed the swats, Kayle could barely get up. The flexing of every muscle in her body, the tightening of every one of them as a swat came and went, as her mother spanked her over and over again for so long, she realized that she had all the coordination of a baby deer just being born. But she finally got herself up, and quickly tried to compose herself and pull up her panties and dove onto the bed and sobbed.

    As her mother left the room, she said, "delete that profile, and give me all your passwords. I want to see that it is gone. And I want to never speak of this again." And slammed the door shut behind her. Kayle could hear Sam and her brother giggling as she cried herself to sleep, rubbing her sore bottom knowing it would be several days before she could sit properly again.
    Last edited by SpencerTracy; 10-22-2020 at 07:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    North Austin Area
    Great story.
    Thanks for posting.

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