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Thread: Free BJ

  1. #1
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Greyghost's Avatar
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    Free BJ

    I don’t quite understand a post in another area. How is a BJ free if you have to pay for a session unless maybe it’s an up sell item to begin with.

  2. #2
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    I think that was her trying to be funny. Ho humor is lost on me sometimes also.

    Speaking of funny how is everyone liking the complete and utter decline of a once great ***** board that I shall not even dignify with a name any longer. The place has all but become useless. Its really sad.

    Now if we just had a place that allows ads pictures contact info links reviews alerts and all the other stuff that makes a hobby board useful. ahh fuck I am at a loss. I cant think of anything.... I guess I will still keep going to the other site to see what ****** is posting in what city asking where a good place to eat is. Now thats helpful.

    Grey I know you flew I think 130s if my memory serves me but I cant remember when or maybe I never asked. Did you serve in southeast asia?

  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Leave it to the Chair Force dudes running upside down Allision t56s to not understand a joke...That is why the Navy knows how to install those properly, and get jokes...

  4. #4
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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  5. #5
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rareraj View Post
    Leave it to the Chair Force dudes running upside down Allision t56s to not understand a joke...That is why the Navy knows how to install those properly, and get jokes...

    ut oh shots fired lol

    I never served but hold all those who did especially in combat in reverence. Just the fact that young men and women put their lives on hold to go into the military isnt lost on me. Add in the threat of death for those who end up in actual combat just the thought of living with that kind of stress is to much for me. I have talked to friends who did tours in combat zones and they say you kind of get used to living on edge but I dont see how. I know guys who served in combat more than 50 years ago who are still affected by what they experienced. Thats powerful stuff if you ask me. So I always pay my respect to those who served but especially to those who saw combat.

    I have always been fascinated with history in general but mainly military history. In my business I have been blessed that I have had a lot of veterans that were my customers for decades. I became very close with some over the years and have been lucky enough to have some open up and tell me about their experiences. I am going back many years but three of my dads customers who I got to know when I was a kid working for my dad in the business that I eventually took over were WWII veterans. One a marine who went though the pacific until being wounded on iwo another a ball turret gunner on a 17 who was shot down and a pow in Germany at stalag luff III (I no longer remember the dates but he was a prisoner for nearly 2 years) and one who landed in the third wave at Normandy in a M10 tank destroyer and fought his way across Europe into the heart of Germany.

    I wont bore you with stories but I feel so blessed to have gotten to know each man over many years from the time I was a kid until I grew up into a young man. The last (the marine) died in 2008 at the age of 84. I carry their stories with me just as they told them to me and will for the rest of my life. Dad also had one friend who died when I was real young who I remember as a frail old man. He was on battan and had to endure horrible torture and conditions. He wore and eye patch because a japanese interrogator put his cigarette out in his eye when he was a prisoner. I can remember him showing the eye to me as a kid once but mainly I remember him having a quietness about him that was different than anyone I had ever been around before or since. Long after he passed my father told me about his life and what he had endured and I read a great deal about him as his son wrote a few things about his dads experiences at the hands of the japanese. I could go on for days about the relationships I have now or have had in the past before they died with veterans of Korea and Vietnam.

    I get really upset when I think of all the sacrifices so many young men made for this great country and to see the way things have progressed to where we are now it drives me crazy. We as country have strayed so far off the path that our previous generations layed out for us that any real man who understands history and knows the way the actual world works knows that we are in serious trouble. We have opened ourselves up for a tremendous defeat in the future. I am not sure where the fight will come from but I am sure that it will come one day and when it does we wont be ready. The ones who will be called upon will be in their safe space waiting for their trophy for participating while being sure to be politically correct and not hurt anyone's feelings. I am afraid for the USA and all of the women and children who will be dependent on the new generations of men coming up today at some point in the future when called upon. I just don't see us being able to make the sacrifices that the generations that came before us made because lets face it we stopped trying to make men and started trying to protect everyone's feelings. I just dont see that working as well as when my grandfather and his brothers were growing up as young boys who all ended up serving in WWII.

    Sorry that took a strange turn but I wanted to finish once I started and I wanted to make sure those that served know how much I truly appreciate their sacrifices. Just to give a little insight to Basscat as a person I feel pretty much the same way about those who choose a career in LE also. So a big thank you to all those who served and I wont get involved in this Air Force Navy battle thats shaping up above because I haven't earned the right to even have an opinion.

  6. #6
    Verified Hobbyist BCD guitar's Avatar
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    Well put, Basscat. I feel the same way. I never served either, but I hold everyone that does and has, as a hero in my book. I'm free because of you ladies and gentlemen that did. And the police as well. Thank you ALL.

  7. #7
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Greyghost's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Basscat View Post
    I think that was her trying to be funny. Ho humor is lost on me sometimes also.

    Speaking of funny how is everyone liking the complete and utter decline of a once great ***** board that I shall not even dignify with a name any longer. The place has all but become useless. Its really sad.

    Now if we just had a place that allows ads pictures contact info links reviews alerts and all the other stuff that makes a hobby board useful. ahh fuck I am at a loss. I cant think of anything.... I guess I will still keep going to the other site to see what ****** is posting in what city asking where a good place to eat is. Now thats helpful.

    Grey I know you flew I think 130s if my memory serves me but I cant remember when or maybe I never asked. Did you serve in southeast asia?
    A, B and E models of the 130 in Nam in the last years to when we brought our POWs home. Flew out o CCK

  8. #8
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    It was a joke - she was trying to be funny.
    With that being said....she gave me the BEST blowjob I have ever received.

  9. #9
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HueBriss View Post
    It was a joke - she was trying to be funny.
    With that being said....she gave me the BEST blowjob I have ever received.

    Thats pretty high praise as I would guess you have had several hundred ******s blow you over the years. Some girls just get it. I have one right now I have been seeing for the last few years a little skinny girl who sucks dick like its an olympic sport and she is going for a gold medal everytime. Its really hard for me to nut from head most of the time even when a girls skills are decent. This girl can suck one out more often than not. Like I said some girls just get it.

    Grey I read a lot of books on Vietnam and that was the fist time I saw cck mentioned. I had to look it up. Very interesting. I will have to do some reading now when I get some free time. If you have any books you recommend that talk about cck and its relations to operations during the war I would love to know there titles so I can pick them up. I consider myself something of a history buff in general but especially enjoy reading about the war in southeast asia. Maybe because I was born at the tail end of it or had a bunch of relatives that served. Idk what it is but I have always been fascinated with it maybe even a little obsessed. I spoke with Gary Linderer a few times on fb and it was a big deal to me. I also have gotten to speak with Carlos Hathcocks son on several occasions a super nice guy. I know a lot of vets on the coast. I located the longest serving pow (traitor depending on how you look at it) of the war living on the coast several years ago and would like to talk to him about his experiences to see if maybe he would like to clear his conscious of anything before he passes. You guys are getting up in age not that I have to tell you that. I have not contacted him because I just cant seem to make myself be the one to dredge up the past for this guy. Even if he was a tratior he still suffered unspeakable hardships at the hands of a brutal enemy. Who the fuck am I to try and get him to speak about it. His story just intrest me as does all things related to the war but I can drive to his front door in less than half an hour so its been really tempting for me. The thing is I will likely never do anything other than watch the obits to see when he passes and maybe go to his funeral. Like I said even if he did aid the enemy he still suffered greatly and I cant fault a man unless I experienced the same exact things he did. I have talke do to many pows from vietnam and I know the horrors the went through. It was much worse in the camps in the south and this man spent years below the dmz.

  10. #10
    Verified Hobbyist BCD guitar's Avatar
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    With years of daily torment by the enemy, me or you might crack as well. Your right, we've not been in his shoes. So I won't cast stones in his direction, neither. Carlos Hathcock was a idol of mine as well, Basscat. I shoot 600 and 1000 yard targets now because it's a fun thing to do. I reload, or I should say, WE reload, our own bullets to get the most accurate round for our particular gun. Also fool with seating depth of the projectile and all that kind of stuff to hone in on a closer grouping of the bullet so that you make a headshot, so to speak, at those ranges. It's a lot of fun and it cost more than I have, so I'm limited on what I can afford, PLUS it takes away from my hobbying money too. If I could only have been born rich instead of being so ugly!

  11. #11
    Verified Hobbyist BCD cocolpz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Basscat View Post
    Speaking of funny how is everyone liking the complete and utter decline of a once great ***** board that I shall not even dignify with a name any longer. The place has all but become useless. Its really sad.

    Now if we just had a place that allows ads pictures contact info links reviews alerts and all the other stuff that makes a hobby board useful. ahh fuck I am at a loss. I cant think of anything.... I guess I will still keep going to the other site to see what ****** is posting in what city asking where a good place to eat is. Now thats helpful.
    I had a recent out of town business trip and was having a hard time finding a provider I wanted to see. I then remembered this site allows ISOs. So I posted one and shortly after had a session scheduled with a really hot provider. OH2 is definitely more useful than the other board. Unfortunately, the Florida Panhandle forums on this site are still kind dead. Otherwise, I would barely go on that site anymore.
    Just kicking' it

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