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Thread: Another Aay, Another School Shooting...

  1. #16
    obnoxious pest controls applied
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    Quote Originally Posted by YssupRider View Post
    People don’t kill people, people with guns do.

    It isn’t about hatred, my misguided friends.

    It’s about GUNS.


    The high pitched whining in defense of “more guns” in the face of yet more dead kids is as numbing as the tragedy itself.

    The libs. will continue with this " misguided" viewpoint!! and another history lesson for the libs.; My guns have killed less people than Teddy Kennedys car!!!!!!!!

  2. #17
    Retired Companion
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    Midnight in the garden of good and evil.
    People don't kill people,people with guns do? Ok, tell that to all the stabbing victims. It's about growing up with a total lack of respect for human life. That's the bottom line folks.
    Get rid of the guns and I can assure you - people will still get killed.

  3. #18
    Verified Hobbyist BCD YssupRider's Avatar
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    People choke on things too. It’s going to happen anyway so do nothing. Is this really your point?

  4. #19
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Russ38's Avatar
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    ^^^^^ :facepalm:

  5. #20
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Slitlikr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YssupRider View Post
    People choke on things too. It’s going to happen anyway so do nothing. Is this really your point?
    *Please keep comments on topic and off of other members here. - gfe*
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  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Russ38 View Post
    ^^^^ Missed the sarcasm in my last post....

    ^^^^ My thoughts exactly....Shotgun?.....what an amateur....could of gotten a higher body count if he had just clubbed them with it.....
    With All Due Respect Russ, let me further clarify my 'Shotgun' comment so your on the same page with me.......When you have a moment research the number of projectiles in just one round of Number 4 Buck. This horrible tragedy was 'Close Quarters'. I WAS NOT referring to 'Bird Shot', but then, no one knows what this idiot was shooting, but if it was 'Birdshot', well....and No Sir, I didn't miss a thang about your BumpStock comment. Have a Good One!

  7. #22
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Agent220's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slitlikr View Post
    Wrong forum OP.
    How is this political?
    Gun Control is the rage in politics.

    Being a black belt in the martial arts and having a left-wing libertarian mind, guns are one of the few things Conseratives did get correct. My belief on guns is that all owners should be required to take an unarmed combat course in the event they don't have their weapon and need to get to it or to be able to get out of line of fire effectively.

    As far as mass shootings, most common denominators involve:

    Shooter with mental health issues using psychological drugs.

    Shooter with issues in obtaining attraction with women/ history of being bullied.

    Shooter with access to weapons despite not being a law abiding citizen.

    Don't have an answer but can not blame the gun.
    220: "2econd 2 n0ne"

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  8. #23
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Slitlikr's Avatar
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    ^^^^Gun control is not the topic.

    A school shooting is.

    How is that political?
    She's a kind girl, the kind I'd like to.......
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  9. #24
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Agent220's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slitlikr View Post
    ^^^^Gun control is not the topic.

    A school shooting is.

    How is that political?

    So you mean to tell everyone since Jonesboro, Columbine, Parkland and now Santa FE that despite school shootings and a new wave of gun control enthusiasts thst this is not political...

    It is.
    220: "2econd 2 n0ne"

    "Someday if you're lucky, you will wake up and realize you are old...your belly will go soft, your pretty ass will sag, your back will ache in the night; gray hairs will sprout from your ears. Make sure you fucked your fill before that day!"

    Oberian Martell "The Red Viper"...Game of Thrones

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by gfejunkie View Post
    Here's a school shooting you probably didn't hear much about. It just didn't fit the liberal lamestream media's narrative...

    Shootings always end when another gun shows up.
    I saw it, and it was brought up again after Santa Fe.

    Quote Originally Posted by winndixie View Post
    Is this not the definition of reverse racism?? What about all the people dying in Chicago? Where is your outrage?? That really does happen daily!! Show me when and where we have a school shooting daily, please? Chicago has some of the strictest gun control laws in America.. Gun control does not work.. So please carry-on with the hating of us dumb ol' rural americans.. I feel so bad for these people, my heart and prayers go out to all the victims in sante fe , Chicago and everywhere. This is not a gun issue!! It is a societal problem, that has nothing to do with firearms.. This attack was done with a 38. special revolver, and a shotgun. No bump stocks, no high cap. magazines. no rapid fire weapons at all.! I say the first step is to stop glamorizing , sensationalizing and giving so much attention to these attacks. These kids are looking for just that; attention. So let the usual lib. response start...............blah blah .................. blah blah, hate hate hate..............
    Our constitution says all men are created equal! The second amendment guarantees that!!!!! WD
    Chicago killings are mentioned, but I agree the coverage is not the same.

    The gun ban folks have it wrong.
    The do nothing folks have it wrong.

    On the gun control side, NRA members are the key. They are okay with some solutions and don't have a problem with responsible gun ownership. Problem: NRA leadership isn't always in tune with their members.

    On the people kill people side, if tech companies can collect data and target ads, they can help red flag potential crazies better. Problem: pesky privacy issues and tech leaders are more interested in making money. There was an executive order that made it harder for folks with mental health issues to get guns. For whatever reasons, it was rolled back. If the problem is a mental health issue, Congress could pass a law making it harder for folks with mental health issues to get guns. More money could also be allocated for mental health issues, but it's probably time to work on the recently ballooned deficit now.

    Will doing something stop all future gun deaths? Nope. The goal is reducing gun deaths. Baby steps.
    "Are you sure you saw what you saw?"

  11. #26
    Verified Hobbyist BCD YssupRider's Avatar
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    I don’t understand how racism has anything to do with this. I suppose some people feel any new gun regsmwould make them more vulnerable against the khaki invaders, but if I’m not mistaken, guns don’t care the ethnicity of their targets.

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by YssupRider View Post
    I don’t understand how racism has anything to do with this. I suppose some people feel any new gun regsmwould make them more vulnerable against the khaki invaders, but if I’m not mistaken, guns don’t care the ethnicity of their targets.
    The Blind Leading The Blind......Cannot BELIEVE the 'Seguin, Tx. Church Shooting' hasn't been mentioned! That SICKO had a Mental Rap Sheet a MILE LONG!!! Especially while in YOUR Government's MILITARY!!! Your Government NEVER reported it to be acknowledged by the FBI's NICS SYSTEM!! A NEW LAW??!! FOR WHAT??? Its very OBVIOUS you Libs still DON"T GET IT as per what is required in a Background Check to purchase a Firearm. IF the LOCAL/STATE/FEDERAL Governments ARE NOT Forwarding the pertinent background on a person to THE NICS SYSTEM, etc, etc, etc....THEN HOW is a SICKO going to be BLOCKED?? The OTHER BIGGIE that NO ONE has mentioned in this 'Thread' is the FACT that this IDIOT at Sante Fe had a 'HANDGUN'. The IDIOT was UNDER 21,....THEREFORE, his Parents/Guardians ARE solely RESPONSIBLE for 'His Actions'!!!! If I'm not mistaken, IN EVERY ONE of these SICKO SHOOTINGS, there was ALREADY SUFFICIENT LE KNOWLEDGE, etc, making EVERY ONE OF THESE IDIOTS sufficiently SUSPECT to THE HILT,...PRIOR TO...the ACT!!

    Get a DAMN LIFE and QUIT BLAMING ...'GUNS'!!!! JESUS!!!

  13. #28
    Verified Hobbyist BCD YssupRider's Avatar
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    Where in the Constitution does your right to keep and bear arms outrank the prohibition of murder? And
    Lease don’t try and change the subject with some lame women’s health false equivalency.

    If you are truly a law abiding citizen, then it would seem that capital murder would be first on our list of things to prevent.

    The parents were at fault. But another 10 are dead. The solution can’t be “stop blaming guns.”

    I’ve got a life, sir, and I’m aiming to keep it.
    Last edited by YssupRider; 05-24-2018 at 09:05 AM.

  14. #29
    Retired Site "Guide"
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    Here now. Not there.
    Shootings always stop when another gun shows up. 'Nuf sed.

  15. #30
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Agent220's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gfejunkie View Post
    Shootings always stop when another gun shows up. 'Nuf sed.
    Usually that narrative works.

    We have seen brave men and women like the guy who stopped more bullets being fired at that Waffle House to other crazy events.
    220: "2econd 2 n0ne"

    "Someday if you're lucky, you will wake up and realize you are old...your belly will go soft, your pretty ass will sag, your back will ache in the night; gray hairs will sprout from your ears. Make sure you fucked your fill before that day!"

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