Well sadly there were about 15,000ish deaths today caused by infectious diseases OTHER than COVID. And 15K per day will occur other than COVID every single day going forward for as long as you can count, 24/7/365. That's been the case for years per WHO global data on infectious diseases. Not sure why no one cares about those .

Apparently you are only an uncaring asshole if you mention how the greater damage is caused by the draconian measures of lockdowns for COVID and not when you don't even say one word about the 5.7MN infectious disease deaths?!?

I mention the science I mention, when I do, and the data, b/c I don't want my kids uneducated, I don't want yours uneducated, I don't want kids getting no socializing which will create sociopaths. I don't want millions of people's kids starving now that they don't get their only meal/snacks of the day (now that public schools are closed millions around the world get zero or near zero food). I don't want millions of kids not getting important childhood vaccinations. I also don't want people committing suicide bc their entire lives are ruined.

I don't EVER mention it for any other reason folks. Not to be right. I am right, but, no, I don't care about that (I already know that).

So, no. No no no. What I care about is the fact that way more harm is being done to our world by people who won't get on with their lives (which ruins everyone's and their children too). Its not bc some people wear masks all the time. Fine. I don't care about that. Personally I have to limit and can't even shop much anymore bc the mask makes me very dizzy. I don't care about that though. If you want to be cautious fine. The problem is in the world not getting on with normal life and the result of that is far, far more deadly than the absurdly low number of deaths (especially relatively) which have occurred from COVID.