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Thread: I caught feelings

  1. #136
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by chloevankatie View Post
    Ok guys, hear me out on this....

    I agreed with Bankshots earlier that I didn't think OP was new to this-

    Something just doesn't sit right with me about OP's responses and I found it odd that he would come here fresh to the community on a campaign of open and honest dialogue and on a quest to change a community that he just became a part of, and not only that, that it would the very first post he makes to welcome himself to the community. It seemed very strange to me. I also mentioned to MathGuy there were more red flags.

    I have pulled some of the things he has said, and although the quotes are not posted in order, I promise if you go back and read his responses, everything I have quoted is there in his

    I could not figure out why Shinepro would say OP would get himself put on lots of DNS lists by making this thread, and then I realized, OP did not make this thread for the purpose of creating an open dialogue or creating change within a community he just became a part of. All of that is smoke and mirrors.

    OP created this thread because he is obsessed with this lady and trying to circumvent the fact that she blocked him. OP is pretty slick and manipulative, despite the fact that he tried to frame her as the "manipulative" one. OP is manipulating us to participate in his thread that is really a public outcry to circumvent the fact that he has no other ways left to communicate with the object of his obsession. And not only that, by painting her publicly in a light that she used him and he is a heartbroken victim and getting us all to agree with that, he can guilt her into feeling awful by blocking him and possibly hope to force communication.

    Pretty slick and IMO, obsessive and crazy.

    OP is not new or fresh off the farm at all. Op has not been manipulated. OP is manipulating.

    OP wrote his very first opening post in this thread on the VERY DAY she blocked him. He did not wait to give it time for the dust to settle and to let both parties have a chance to breath. As soon as she blocked him, he came here and created his campaign....the very same day. Please read this paragraph.

    OP is obsessed with his object of affection. This may be a product of the fact that OP just got out of a 15 year relationship and is looking for something to cling to, but nonetheless, he is obsessed.

    OP repeatedly states within this thread that he is hoping Provider A is reading this and she will contact him, so that he can circumvent the fact the she has blocked him.

    And since he hopes she is reading this, he makes his attempts to try to make her feel guilty.

    I don't know about you guys, but if I was Provider A, I would be fucking MORTIFIED by this guy.

    (and to the guys reading this, please think about how you would react if it got to the point that you had to block a lady you recently saw and she did the same?)
    You are an extremely smart lady and I don’t know why no one else has observed this. I love this community because it’s so peaceful and respectful and I believe the adm

    in here and the guides do an incredible job, I’ve had incredible times visiting ladies using this platform. Having said that, I’m shocked they have allowed this thread to continue. This on some levels could be considered cyber stalking but what’s my opinion worth. Ladies here already have to be so careful, hence the intense screening and in all honesty this is a prime example, selfishly I don’t want any women to not join or leave because of this.

    To the provider in question, if you are reading this the men here stand in solidarity with you on your absolute right to cut off contact with a client at any time and clients have got to understand that and move on. A lady I had several great sessions with retired, just a fabulous person and I hated to see her go but I fully respected her decision and that was the end of that. I wished her well and then scoured our home for another encounter. It’s just that simple. Most of us here are like that, so please keep your head up, this too hopefully shall pass

    To the Op, please read Chloe’s statements carefully, and really examine yourself please. I have lightly said and I believe one other has said, this might not be the hobby for you. You have come across a caring community here and even though I don’t know you I want the best for you but the best love you can give someone is to let them go if they so desire. Let this lady have some peace clicking on coed, although I hope she is like a lot of ladies here who click on our home check their private messages, create an ad, then go about their business of providing incredible encounters and life in general. Op in the most non gay way lol, we love you, we hear you , we respect you now hear her and move on with your great life.

    To admin ck and all of the site guides thank you for providing a great community and I am beyond indebted to you guys. I have had some incredible experiences

    To my our home family happy hobbling and to those in Louisiana affected by hurricane Laura our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  2. #137
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Ben Rhimene's Avatar
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    Dec 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Elmer Fudge View Post
    Having said that, I’m shocked they have allowed this thread to continue. This on some levels could be considered cyber stalking but what’s my opinion .

    I totally agree Elmer. I do not know if CVK is right in her assessment or not because we ARE only getting one side. The cynic in me agrees with her. The non-cynic side sees someone who just needs to get it out there.

    But it is time to enter the acceptance stage of grieving and move on. One can either handle the emotional chaos that comes from great hobby appointments or not (true for both genders). But going on ad nauseum is not going to change things, whether that is manipulating or healing.

    I found some solid insight early on in this thread, but now after 10 pages it is starting to be just regurgitation. Time for me to stop posting to or reading this thread.

    Stay safe!

  3. #138
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Ben Rhimene View Post
    I totally agree Elmer. I do not know if CVK is right in her assessment or not because we ARE only getting one side. The cynic in me agrees with her. The non-cynic side sees someone who just needs to get it out there.

    But it is time to enter the acceptance stage of grieving and move on. One can either handle the emotional chaos that comes from great hobby appointments or not (true for both genders). But going on ad nauseum is not going to change things, whether that is manipulating or healing.

    I found some solid insight early on in this thread, but now after 10 pages it is starting to be just regurgitation. Time for me to stop posting to or reading this thread.

    Stay safe!
    So did she block him and move because she is a lying and manipulative bitch? Or did she block him and move on because he is an obsessive stalker?

    I am sure the truth falls somewhere in between.

    My issue with him is that he came here to paint her in a negative light before all of us in this community - to tell us how she made him feel like "garbage".

    OP was successful in getting others to come forward and make negative statements about the ladies here....

    Quote Originally Posted by texan1 View Post
    If you come off desperate or needy, they will play off that. The hell bitch I allowed to damn near ruin me played me from the first second I walked in. I gave her a lot of money, a car, and a lot more I won't go into, the whole time feeling like I was outside myself saying what are you doing?!?!? But doing it anyway. Wounded dog is what I call it... she poured on all the sad stories until I felt like I had to "save her".... listen to me please!!!! It is a game to most, not all, but most... you are a mark, a John, whatever you want to call it....
    Quote Originally Posted by DocHoliday View Post
    Op, this is a P4P site...NOT Now this part is serious, you should never disclose personal information and NEVER do outcalls to your house. Never forget that we are just tricks!
    Quote Originally Posted by Bankshots View Post
    +1 on what Tyboy said.
    You aren't the first or last this has happened to. Just consider yourself lucky she blocked you. There are some that would have milked every dime they could from you.
    How is she supposed to come forward and respond to that after being cast in that light? Should she come on this thread and try to explain herself after she blocked him, wallow in the drama pool he created for her, and let everyone here make her feel like an asshole?

    He sure knew how to rally up the troops here in his favor and claim his victim status before she ever had the chance to make her case. And if she responds now, not only does she have to deal with his manipulation of attempting to force communication, she gets to deal with a whole thread full of people who don't even know her telling her what a bitch she is for trying to block him and get herself out of an uncomfortable situation.

    You are right, Ben, in that we don't really know cause we are only getting one side, but my my gut feeling says that he is bordering on obsessive. Why? Because he created this thread to get her attention, and because he came here to tell us how manipulative and wrong SHE was and she made him feel like "garbage"....and yet he still posts here that he wants her to read this and get in contact with him???

    She moved on. She is not responding here. She isn't making negative comments about him in public and she isn't here making threads about him and how he has wronged her.
    Last edited by chloevankatie; 08-27-2020 at 11:07 AM.

  4. #139
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    Apr 2020
    Wow, reading through the most recent responses. I am sorry for my actions.

    My intentions were to seek perspective, open myself up, and, create dialogue.

    I will repeat, I am not an absolute newbie, I am still fairly new and learning. I learned a lot about the culture from reading online articles, forum posts, and google(I like to read)

    I’m sorry that I stated I was a newbie when I wasn’t technically a newbie the more appropriate term would be a novice.

    I will say it again, I do understand that provider A had every right to block me and I accept that, and that every woman has that right to choose how they communicate.

    Provider A is absolutely not a bitch and she didn't do anything wrong. She is an incredible woman

    My perspective is what I felt in the moment and I sincerely apologize for generating negative perception of her.

    I'm also sorry for the negative comments made and I am really sorry for the pain this thread is causing. For as much as I wanted to create healthy dialog and correct any/all behavior I thought was offensive there was also a part of me afraid to address every individual without being perceived as overbearing.

    I gained a lot of empathy, information, insight, and advice from this thread, but that cannot outweigh the negativity generated.

    I was not trying to play the victim, I wanted to be honest and authentic so that others could feel like they could do the same and openly discuss. I did my best to be neutral in my writing so that everyone could formulate their own ideas without my influence. I was looking for feedback and perspective reflective of other peoples experiences.

    I was not trying to push provider A into feeling guilty, I wanted to expressed how the actions made me feel, and I accept that she did the right thing.

    I wanted to put an apology out directed to her in the event she did come across this thread, in that it grew much more than I expected.

    @Chloe You asked what men do in the event that a woman has feelings for him. I believe that the best course of action for any man is to be upfront and gentle(I understand this may not happen all the time but from what I’ve found it lets people accept things easier and have closure).

    I understand that the dynamics for women is different and that personal safety is, has, and always will be an issue and I've come to accept that blocking me was a valid course of action for her.

    I was wrong for sharing my intimate experience, seeking help, and wanting to create a dialog on this forum around my experience.

    I apologize for the negative perception being generated for provider A and the negative comments directed towards the women on this forum. Going forward to rectify my behavior I will be more outspoken towards negative behavior and less open regarding personal affairs/issues. I will not post any further responses to this thread and I will let it die. I will also work on my compartmentalization skills.

    You all have my sincerest apologies and I am absolutely grateful for all of our interactions.

    Final notes: Provider A is an awesome human being. OP apologizes for creating this public thread. This thread was to be about vulnerability and emotional acceptance but can’t stay on track and needs to closed

    Mods, Please close this thread

    -Be Kind to each other
    Last edited by randomgetdown; 08-27-2020 at 12:48 PM.
    Live life to the fullest, fuck all the noise

  5. #140
    Retired Companion
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    Apr 2018
    Midnight in the garden of good and evil.
    Closed per OP's request. I'd like to say to Randomgetdown thank you for this thread. Some folks - nevermind - I just don't get it sometimes.

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