Forget about the hobby. What are y’all doing to help keep yourselves safe & sane?!

I’ll share my neurotic list & rituals, if you do! Lol. I’ll go first...

Prevention- oh lawd. Y’all don’t judge me.

Every day:

Emergen-C or airborne packets (not gummies)
Vitamin D- highest amount iu daily otc
Organic Crushed Garlic- every day I put some in a gel capsule & swallow ;)
Super vitamin B complex- good for my stress & anxiety levels
Magnesium- CALM brand- anxiety attacks? Can’t sleep? Need to be regular?
Studies have found this little gem to work most or as good as antidepressants or anxiety meds (for some)
Fish oil- burpless
Amino acids- collagen peptides
Organic raw turmeric
Organic raw local honey
Cocunut oil- anti viral, fungal, bacterial.
Organic Echinacea drops
Organic foods, drinks, wellness shots

Air filters & purifiers w uv lights- top of line & switched out every 30 days
Bleach- you just can’t go wrong with bleach & hot water. This has become my new holy water!!
Lysol spray and wipes- everything gets wiped down daily. Interior doors stay open. Don’t you dare touch my door handles lol!! Hobby related- that shit is getting set up and torn down like a surgical procedure and/or crime scene. Call me crazy but I don’t care!! Better safe then sorry.
N95 masks- got em
Hot water and soap, wash ya hands all day erry day & don’t touch your face!
Don’t wear stupid gloves if you don’t know how to not cross contaminate
Alcohol- 65 to 70% everywhere at all times

Mentally- listen to music, sunshine every day, light exercise (outside the gym)stay the F away from most people, limit news intake, avoid most places and things that are germy and/or unnecessary.

Finally- prepare for the worst, but let go & let god & continue living in peace, one day a time.