So I am a summer girl. A water lover....a fan of a tan! My complex didnt open the pool. None of the public OP pools are open. Other cities you have to be a resident. Except 1 pool in olathe from 3 to 5 mon thru Thursday we foreigners can pay 8 bucks for 2 chairs.
I tried country clubs to get a day pass, hotels even! In my price range...maybe some $500 night hotels have one but that doesnt count.
I need a pool close to 1 hour or less. It cant be super expensive. It must be outdoor!
So if you have one i could use, have a neighborhood or apt one i could sneak into and nobody would know....u get the idea. Maybe a country club i can get into thats not gonna hassle me!
Tell me what you have and depending on how great your idea is, you will be rewarded accordingly.