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Thread: BEWARE: 918-387-9585 is A POLICE OFFICER! Tulsa PD

  1. #31
    Verified Companion Companion maggiejewel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sugar~N~Spice View Post
    Yep- admitted to association. Now this has us all worried our new site is compromised. Girl I know we have had our up and downs, but how many times have I told you to screen ? Now with the new law we HAVE... meeting in public does nothing good.. how did he get your number??
    I do screen. I ask a million questions! I’m annoying as fuck actually! He played along with everything! NO ONE HAS BEEN COMPROMISED! Fuck I’m not stupid! They told me about ECCIE! They asked me where everyone went where everyone was posting I said nobody is posting there is no where to go then they asked me why I was willing to see someone like him like their guy I said hey I like it I like what I do I can’t help it I have a problem, I like sex with strangers! THEY ONLY WANTED DRUG DEALERS NAMES! ONCE AGAIN I DO NOT KNOW ANY DRUG DEALERS!

  2. #32
    Verified Companion Companion maggiejewel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GypsyHeart View Post
    I already told mags to tighten up her screening. It will mean less volume. That number called me while I was at hospital with my guy. I have had so many questionable numbers now, I am thinking of just going to go to email or pms.
    They have our numbers. Someone gave them our information! All the crazy numbers and calls have stopped now! I’ll be changing my number soon!

  3. #33
    Verified Companion Companion maggiejewel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blaze View Post
    If they want you, they got you no matter what you did or did not do, said or did not say. The best thing you can do for yourself is to say to them and just keep repeating over and over if your nervous. I have the right to remain silent and I want to talk to a lawyer. That's it. Once they've Mirandized and you are in cuffs,, SHUTUP! Zip it and refuse to answer any questions.
    They never readne any rights hell they never showed me ID! They flashed a badge at me! They took my wax and vapor pen! They just screamed at me told me they’d shoot through me to get the dog! Big bitch kept calling me nasty and degrading me! I finally looked her in the eyes and said I’m sorry but I don’t think I am who or what you think I am! I have a Masters Degree and I’m not a drug addict! They started to get bored with me! I couldn’t give them any info so I was no good! They said let’s get outa here and get the next one! They’re looking for girls with Pimps and ones that are moving drugs! Just keep reading I have another story for you that happened Thursday of this week!

  4. #34
    Verified Companion Companion maggiejewel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 69lovr View Post
    Damn MJ sorry to hear that, don’t ever say anything but I need your ID and please read me my rights I’m not saying a word without a representative and you must provide one I can’t afford one.
    I asked for ID multipul times they said they didn’t have to show me they told me! They had a gun pointed at me screaming to back the fuck up and lock up the dog! They NEVER READ ME MY RIGHTS THEY CUFFED ME AND PROCEEDED TO TRY AND GET ME TO TELL THEM WHERE TO BUY DRUGS! I told them, I don’t know any drug dealers!

  5. #35
    Verified Companion Companion maggiejewel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by St. Searcher View Post
    Don't you find it girl in Tulsa gets busted. Her mug shot and everything else disappears. Then BS former ECCIE handles are getting used from a number that has tried to set dates with other former ECCIE girls. And one of them posts an alert about it.

    And the girl that got busted originally. Is still on 411...interesting concept...
    Yes actually St. Searcher I find it very odd that I had no idea she’d been busted until a few days before this happened! What are you trying to insinuate? I stopped hanging out with that Provider when I found out she was putting me down to clients and telling them I was a money hungry bitch! You of all people should know better than that! Wasn’t it me that gave you over an Hr? And what did you donate? Don’t answer that! I was very pleasant with you and even brought you chocolate kisses for your Bday! But it seems you’re always trying to dog me! Why is that? I’ve wanted to say something before! If I’m too old for you or didn’t please you, then don’t see me again! I’ve never had any other complaints! I’m sorry if I’m saying too much but what you said in this post is pure allegations that you think you know me. I thought you were a sweet guy when I met you even though my teeth had cut into my lips after an hour or more I still kept my spirit I still smiled then gave you one hell of a deal on top of it I’m not gonna say anything else. I would appreciate you not trying to make other people think I’m a snitch or I’m involved with the Redheadedbrat in anyway there you go I said it I am not involved or am I friends with the Redheadedbrat at all. I never posted anything about what she did on ECCIE. Because she also robbed me but I didn’t put that out there Because I didn’t want to deal with her repercussions. So I kept my mouth shut! I still never had the opportunity to read what got a find a woman had said but I know that it was true about the cards about her illegally using them because mine was used also plus I had $1000 taken out of my suitcase that was folded up and stash in an envelope folded up inside of a pair pants I found the envelope in the same exact spot no money in it the only person that knew where it was with her so there you go can’t prove she took it but who the fuck else knew where it was nobody but me ! Now I’ll have to worry about somebody taking a picture of this post and sending it to her privately and showing her what I said because she will reciprocate against me I’m telling you this shit ain’t funny some people are narcissistic some people can be very dangerous people I don’t want that in my life I have people that depend on me and now I can barely make a living because people like you want to put shit out there like that. I did not put any of you in jeopardy I said I don’t know anything or anyone I don’t think you understand my rights were not read to me I was not put under arrest I was given tickets I was threatened with a gun I was never shown ID I did not tell them jack shit they didn’t tell me I had a right to be silent they didn’t tell me I had a right to an attorney they did not tell me I had right they told me to shut the fuck up lock my fucking dog up or there was a bullet going in her fucking head through me if that’s what had to happen i’m sorry that I’m ranting but dude I didn’t hurt you I didn’t do anything to you I get on my fucking knees. Please forgive me for being angry and upset about what you said about me being associated with her you have no idea what that bitch has done to me! And yes I said it I said her name if y’all want to deal with her take your chances If you don’t want to take my warning then read the next post I’m going to put it’s another warning about her actually.

  6. #36
    Verified Companion Companion maggiejewel's Avatar
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    Wednesday I was checking into my location very nice upscale place. As I am walking in I run into a familiar face a red headed lady fake redhead, she’s frantic because her credit card won’t work wants to know if I can help her out let her use mine I said no I don’t have enough money. Already paid for the rain so I wasn’t going to another place! Thursday I get a text message that she has a client they’re wanting to see her that she seen him before that he safe she can’t see him wants to know if I want to date I said no thank you I don’t I don’t feel right about it, now mind you I’ve already given her my room number stupid mistake but she had some of my belongings that I wanted back so she was bringing them to my room so now back to Thursday she text me asked me if I want to stay I said no next thing I know they’re knocking on my door. I open the door and walks this provider with a so-called client this client sweating bullets it’s not hot outside guys nice breeze. She walked out leaves this guy in my room he lays down on my bed by the way I’m not alone I had a friend with me another lady not another provider. He begins to ask me if I want an ounce of ice! I said no sir I don’t use that shit he says oh I’m sorry I just thought you did because most of the girls out here do allegation again assumption makes an ass out of you. This guy keeps asking me if I know where to get any weed here trade weed for this out to do I said I’m sorry but I don’t know why you keep asking me I told you I don’t do that then he tells me he can get me any drag I want if I get him some weed I said I’m sorry but you’re making me very uncomfortable he says well shit babe I thought you want to you that he says I got to make a phone call I said for what oh well he says I got to get rid of this out the shit I said not in my room I said you need to please leave go make your phone calls whatever I made him leave get out of my room then I had to run them out from in front of my door. This guy supposedly had an ounce of dope he wanted to pawn off on me he sitting there sweating bullets the Redheadedbrat brought him into my room can any of you read between the lines they’re pretty sure if I had an ounce of dope on my person and I got caught! that’s a felony charge, apparently someone doesn’t want to take the blame for her actions and be in jail alone! I made that guy get outa my room then Texted her and told her that he was trying to get drugs Wtf that was meant to be ok! Lol.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by maggiejewel View Post
    Yes actually St. Searcher I find it very odd that I had no idea she’d been busted until a few days before this happened! What are you trying to insinuate? I stopped hanging out with that Provider when I found out she was putting me down to clients and telling them I was a money hungry bitch! You of all people should know better than that! Wasn’t it me that gave you over an Hr? And what did you donate? Don’t answer that! I was very pleasant with you and even brought you chocolate kisses for your Bday! But it seems you’re always trying to dog me! Why is that? I’ve wanted to say something before! If I’m too old for you or didn’t please you, then don’t see me again! I’ve never had any other complaints! I’m sorry if I’m saying too much but what you said in this post is pure allegations that you think you know me. I thought you were a sweet guy when I met you even though my teeth had cut into my lips after an hour or more I still kept my spirit I still smiled then gave you one hell of a deal on top of it I’m not gonna say anything else. I would appreciate you not trying to make other people think I’m a snitch or I’m involved with the Redheadedbrat in anyway there you go I said it I am not involved or am I friends with the Redheadedbrat at all. I never posted anything about what she did on ECCIE. Because she also robbed me but I didn’t put that out there Because I didn’t want to deal with her repercussions. So I kept my mouth shut! I still never had the opportunity to read what got a find a woman had said but I know that it was true about the cards about her illegally using them because mine was used also plus I had $1000 taken out of my suitcase that was folded up and stash in an envelope folded up inside of a pair pants I found the envelope in the same exact spot no money in it the only person that knew where it was with her so there you go can’t prove she took it but who the fuck else knew where it was nobody but me ! Now I’ll have to worry about somebody taking a picture of this post and sending it to her privately and showing her what I said because she will reciprocate against me I’m telling you this shit ain’t funny some people are narcissistic some people can be very dangerous people I don’t want that in my life I have people that depend on me and now I can barely make a living because people like you want to put shit out there like that. I did not put any of you in jeopardy I said I don’t know anything or anyone I don’t think you understand my rights were not read to me I was not put under arrest I was given tickets I was threatened with a gun I was never shown ID I did not tell them jack shit they didn’t tell me I had a right to be silent they didn’t tell me I had a right to an attorney they did not tell me I had right they told me to shut the fuck up lock my fucking dog up or there was a bullet going in her fucking head through me if that’s what had to happen i’m sorry that I’m ranting but dude I didn’t hurt you I didn’t do anything to you I get on my fucking knees. Please forgive me for being angry and upset about what you said about me being associated with her you have no idea what that bitch has done to me! And yes I said it I said her name if y’all want to deal with her take your chances If you don’t want to take my warning then read the next post I’m going to put it’s another warning about her actually.
    I seem to have interpreted Searchers post differently than you. I thought he was insinuating that the other provider was singing to the cops after her bust, and implying that those narcs got your info from her as a way to set you up. Basicly, his implication is they flipped her into an informant. That idea seems collaborated by your additional story where she brought over a guy who was trying to milk you for drug info.

  8. #38
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    I use it has helped me a lot especially when someone texts me from a real number not a texting app, it gives you all the info you need to know who the hell you are talking to.

  9. #39
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    Holy shit!! Somebody needs a vacation.....

  10. #40
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    Always searching for UTR redheads, hot chocolattes & my next cuppa purrfect java
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