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Thread: stop giving the excuses and start giving mutual respect

  1. #1
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    stop giving the excuses and start giving mutual respect

    ok so here it is, im gonna put this out here once and for all, im sick of it

    first of all, over the course of the last 3 1/2 years i have heard all the excuses you can possibly come up with about screening, yall have gone out of your way to come up with shit, it don't fly with me

    ok here's first of all, these four words every one of yall scream out


    ok i have giving you the knowledge that you need the CORRECT KNOWLEDGE on my website, so that you can have it, so you can better adjust to the laws that always constantly changing.
    you do NOT educate yourselves, cause your lazy, you dont wanna read..not my fault

    i have debunked every one of your excuses, i have taken the extra steps and MONEY and spend major amount of bucks on going the extra mile about all this

    and i have even broke it all down for you i went and spent one whole day and made a statement about privacy security and safety and all on my jot form,

    now here's the kicker here,

    the information i want you to have IS IN MY PROFILES AND ADS
    you would rather sit here and wait all day long for me to answer you

    but where the fuck is my safety, security, discretion privacy, i dont get to have any do i???? it's irriating to me

    you guess my kik name, you hit me up, just cause you didnt answer you in your time framew
    you knock at my door at 4am to wake me up just because you know where i live and your in the area nice of you
    you pm me here, 5 times in 30 mins want me to get and interrupt the blowjob im giving someone else, cause IM NOT ANSWERING YOU IN YOUR TIME FRAME
    you call my phone 3 to 5 times in a damn row, cause i didnt answer, and then mad and ghost on me, when you got my damn attention aright, and you get a rude answer hummm
    you could care less about my damn boundaries, i guess im not supposed to have any huh smh

    you show your ignorance by giving me these damn ass excuses, just stop telling me the bullshit and wasting my time ok

    and i gotta a question, since you men know it all, and tell me im violalte that im just gonnna go ruin your lives since im so violalte

    ummmm you are not that damn special to ruin and just fuck off all this money im spending on safety security privacy and shit and learn the damn laws

    im not gonna sit here and ruin my shit and your stupidity but here's the thing im also not going down and paying anymore out of my pocket over your stupitity

    you dont know the meaning of the word discretion, not when you spread all my info everything
    you dont know the meaning of the word privacy, how can you, just use my kik and bang on my door at 4 am
    you dont know the meaning of the word safety, how can you, you want bareback and shit like that
    you dont know the meaing of the word security, security doesnt just lie on my shoulders,

    how can you know these meanings of these words and say them to me, when you contact me talking money and services...duh...

    everytime you fill out a form, lieing on it, i PAY FOR THAT FORM
    everytime i do a screaning with the informatio that you gave me on that form, I PAY FOR THAT SCREEING

    im not paying for you shit and stupidity any longer and damn it im not working for free any more either,

    you are to be held accountable for your actions as well

    now that i have $25 booking fee, that goes to your donation, you shouldnt be lieing to me anymore huh or playing your games
    now that i have 25% deposit BEFORE I GIVE YOU MY ADDRESS your not gonna get my address anymore and then ghost scaring me to death

    see heres the thing, im tired of the lieing and the games and i have made it to your not gonna play it anymore, your either gonna be serious and go on with your stupitiy and tell someone your lies and uneducated bullshit, stop undermining my intelligence it makes mad

    you get mad at me, cause i call you out, and i dont believe the lies that you con your own selves into believeing dont bring that to me! i dont buy it

    when you understand, its a mutual respect and i give you that respect, so of course im gonna demand

    or i can just do exactly what the hell yall been doing to me, ill call you up at 3 am and see how you like your boundaries disrespected maybe then youll understand ....oh and yea this is exactly the reasons why i wouldnt do to yall the shit yall do it, I KNOW IT FEELS FOR MY BOUNDARIES NOT TO BE RESPECTED, THATS THE MAIN REASON AND REMEMBER YOU NOT THAT DAMN SPECIAL FOR ME TO RUIN MY REP ON MY JOB OVER YOU, GET OVER YOURSELVES!!!!

    RANT OVER, I HAD TO GET IT OUT, cause i just cant handle the bullshit no more, im tired of it, please just dont bring it to me no more thank you

    and you know what even i spent that $1200 a year for all the certifications, you would STILL HAVE SOMETHING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT LOL

    thing is, you cant see when a provider sits there AND CARES FOR YALL LIKE I DO, I COULD BE SLAPPING YOU IN THE FACE WITH CARE, AND YALL STILL WOULDNT SEE IT!!!!
    Last edited by Guest 052621-1; 03-05-2020 at 11:20 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    someone knocking on your door at 4am, Da*fuck is going on?
    I would make his life a living hell for that shit.
    Now you know. I have never had someone knock on my door without an appointment.
    You too nice... I will say it again, YOU ARE TOO NICE

  3. #3
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    oh now you confused me, and you know you cant be confusing an already confused blond, that shit just dont work lmao....which is it? you tell me im too nice, and these fuckers tell me i'm too damn volatile lmao....they dont like me when i go to chewing out asses i swear, see they dont realize it, im nice for a while yea...yea buddy though, lord help'em when i tired of the shit, im short red headed cajun they keep fucking wit me gonna explode soon lmao....

    yea someone knocked on my door at 4 am, "you awake, you wanna be awake" oh that was the day before xmas eve, oh yea i was mad but i hadnt blown yet, i keep trying not though these fuckers push me and get me going somewhere lmao......smh im gonna show someone ONE TIME, and thats all it's gonna take,,,, word gonna spread fast!!! lmao

    man look here it is, if you think im volatile, ill tell what ya what i can for ya, ill make me special trip home just for you, ill let dat gator be volatile for my ass, i dont need to be volatile, ill just feed the gators lmao see ill take care of dat shit swamp style lmfao gator bait !!!! lmao hehehe "ya look like you'd be yummy" hehehehe
    Last edited by Guest 052621-1; 03-06-2020 at 12:22 AM.

  4. #4
    Verified Companion Companion Champagne Brown's Avatar
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    I would be upset if someone knocked on my door at 4am, and I wasn't expecting them..
    Last edited by Champagne Brown; 03-06-2020 at 07:40 AM.

  5. #5
    Verified Hobbyist & "Counselor" for new reviewers BCD GeorgeDRII's Avatar
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    Perhaps you should've posted an alert in the companion's area.

  6. #6
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeDRII View Post
    Perhaps you should've posted an alert in the companion's area.
    THIS^ with names

  7. #7
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    No what because I wanted it directed to the men and that's exactly what I did it ain't perhaps it's what I wanted to do and I wanted it known because it happens all the damn time it is time to get the point across that it's a mutual respect thing it's either you respect that I don't want my number use in my Kik or anything else that's not in my profile and ad's or I'll start calling numbers at 3 a.m. somewhere along the line it's going to be the mutual respect either way you pick which way you want to go with it I was told I was too nice so it's time to make my point clear I did exactly what I wanted to do. Just because you can handle it you don't want to hear it will maybe I don't want to have my boundaries disrespected either let's come to a mutual respect on this correct

  8. #8
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    PERHAPS you men should show respect for others and give what you demand as well. You want privacy and discretion and safety and security, damn it you GIVE ME THAT SAME RESPECT I GIVE YOU!!!

  9. #9
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    Or I could just treat people like peoples been treating me I wonder how y'all would like it to have your boundaries disrespected and disregarded and not even thought of I wonder how you would feel because I personally don't like it and I've gotten tired of it so it can go either way I'm not a robot you're not entitled to my life and I do have boundaries and I do have my life and I want it respected perhaps you should learn what that word means

  10. #10
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    Or I could just treat people like peoples been treating me I wonder how y'all would like it to have your boundaries disrespected and disregarded and not even thought of I wonder how you would feel because I personally don't like it and I've gotten tired of it so it can go either way I'm not a robot you're not entitled to my life and I do have boundaries and I do have my life and I want it respected perhaps you should learn what that word means. just because I do this job it does not mean it's a free-for-all for you just to do what you want with my life

  11. #11
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Would love to see you at a microphone in a pant suit reading your post.

    Can I bring you some chocolate?

  12. #12
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    Pants suit?! Hmmm naawww how about a little lace nightie or maybe just nothing at all, how about dis, i read my post at a Microphone in a very erotic voice, and hmm ya know i i know it would be the hardest thing in the world, and yes pun intended lol i wonder...hmmm just how much fun I can do with this one lol ya know we can make this a game a fun one, mmm and chocolate, strawberries and maybe sum whipped cream hell why not add a banana yes I can be evil with this one bad bad hehe yes in deed just evil you wanna me to get hmmm??? Ya know the prize is well worth it at the end....but youuu have to follow directions. And you have to pay attention in order to get the prize. While im making dessert and playing. Hmmm cant have it till you can follow directions...hmmm lol yes i can play this game w yall lol

  13. #13
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    You know in all reality the way I was trained as a slave when it comes down to respect and treating people correctly and and not doing people wrong and you know these simple things these things were very much ingrained in me. My first Master was very of strict understanding but very strict and my training was very intense. And I'm just sitting here I'm being real with y'all okay you know. Here it is I went through my last release right before I moved to Texas so and that was at a full slave collar that was that I was wearing a steel collar, so I was full slave with all this being said these things are ingrained in their not going away and you know it's just simply put respect it's mutual respect and to me it's very important to me and it's it's something that out of everything that I feel could be important would be two things honor and respect these things go a long way with me and it's kind of in everything I am. you can go you did this to you know you do you give me respect and you don't lie to me and you be spoilt as a mother fucker I tell you what you know you're missing out on that shit just for the simple fact of love just not giving mutual respect in all reality and I'm being sincere really and truly you know being in that lifestyle for this amount of time in my lifetime it's my whole life it's only thing I know and with that being said respect and in all these things that go with that lifestyle that holds of upmost importance to me simply said it's just the way you treat people.

    so you know, you can either know the bitch in me or you can get spoilt like a motherfuker however you want to do it I'd rather spoil you actually because that's just the slave in me. And that's just being a real okay so there you go.

    It all goes in you get more with honey well we know we all need to treat each other better. in the state of playing these games do you know that that cost people lives that's what I'm talkin about you know how your concern and y'all act like I'm such a bitch that I don't care for y'all and that's not that's brother is from the truth you know you make me out to be some kind of hard ass bitch and I'm not I simply just won't respect the same respect I give to you and I don't feel like that's damn well much too hard to to do and accomplish you men act like this fucking shit it's just a free-for-all and it's not that's all I'm talking about I'm not a bitch unless you push me to be now you know how would you like it if you were disrespected in these ways you wouldn't damn it ain't that hard to fucking do is be nice to people shit never fucking mine then I'll be that bitch you want me to fuck it if it's that fucking hard difficult and hard to fucking get people to be kind these days damn man I didn't think it was that bad Jesus Christ snh yall are something else
    Last edited by Guest 052621-1; 03-07-2020 at 05:49 AM.

  14. #14
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    Just fuck it then I tell you what two can play this game you treat me like you want to be treated treat me like shit or lie to me or disrespect me I'll do the same house house that there we go simple fuck it

  15. #15
    Verified Companion Companion Torilove13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JFLYER View Post
    THIS^ with names
    Yes Please!!
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