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Thread: Big Chief you big dumb drunk bastard are you here or not

  1. #1
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Gulf Coast

    Big Chief you big dumb drunk bastard are you here or not

    So I read your post over on the other site and the eccie ****** thread nazi mod Dj8 gave me points for going off topic. It seems that letting people know that there are sites better suited to making the hobby as safe and easy as possible will no longer be tolerated.

    I dont get bullshit like that personally. For me its all about making finding ******s as safe and easy as possible. I could care less what site gets the job done.

    Is it just me or does not having ads really fuck up the entire idea of a ****** board? I go to these sites to see who is where what they charge and to see what they look like. Its not about anything else for me.

    Oh well Dj8 has always had it in for me since he got RL's job. I guess he doesnt like me for some reason or the other. I have no idea what I ever did the guy but I am an asshole on the regular so I am sure he has his reasons. Its funny though in ten years I have been on eccie I never was banned not one time or issued points ever but since he took on his mod job I have been banned more times than I can count and giving more points and warnings than I care to think about. Thats why I feel like it must be personal. Dj if your over here lighten up man.

  2. #2
    Registered Female (Not Verified)
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Here I am basscat I’m over here chasing pussy too!!!!

  3. #3
    Retired Site "Guide"
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Here now. Not there.
    I understand your brand of humor, Basscat. I would only ask that you tone down the insults please.

  4. #4
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    Feb 2009
    Gulf Coast
    Its nice someone else sees it as humor everyone else just tells me I'm an asshole

    Quote Originally Posted by gfejunkie View Post
    I understand your brand of humor, Basscat. I would only ask that you tone down the insults please.
    Welcome aboard Big Chief. Things are slow over here right now but with the other site sucking balls the way it does it wont be for long. The biggest hurdle this place faces is just letting everyone know it exist. It has everything we need to make finding each other as easy as possible. I especially like that ladies can post ads with pics and rates listed. To me that is a must have for a ****** board. Anything less than that and in my eyes you offer nothing to the hobby community.

    Big Chief the default settings on the board are kind of screwy read this post I made and it will show you how to change things to show more post when you sign on instead of just post from the last 24 hours. Once I did that I really liked the place a lot more.

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