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Thread: Verification

  1. #1
    Verified Hobbyist BCD guitar's Avatar
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    Jun 2018


    I'm like the guy on Liar, Liar, now! How many asses do I have to kiss to get verified on this site?

  2. #2
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    Gulf Coast
    You just need two ladies to vouch for you. This is a cut and paste of whats required from the sticky

    Welcome to ourhome2!

    You are set to registered member (not verified) status based on available data.

    If you want full Verified Hobbyist privileges (so you can read hidden review comments) and enjoy the verified hobbyist only private forums, please have at least two established providers here or elsewhere confirm sessions from the past 90 days. They may confirm you by PM-ing me or mail me at

    Yes, this is unlike other hobby community sites but that is intentional.

    Otherwise you may post reviews as usual and possibly earn (limited) bcd/ros privileges based on those reviews. If that session (not the review) is confirmed by the Companion, you will have full verified hobbyist privilege.

    If not unconfirmed, you will have limited BCD/ROS access to reviews and basic hobbyist only forums, but no access to the "secured" coed forums for verified hobbyists and verified companions.

    Home2 has no paid premium access.

    Companions here are equals with hobbyists; we are true partners in the hobby

    Full vouching is required for access to the restricted local community forums e.g., the "underground" forums.

    Thanks for joining home2 where respect is our key requirement for fun.

    ck1942 administrator

    p.s. please help folks you trust find home2!

    p.p.s. "Pay it forward!" Your Verified Hobbyist status helps build the community when you vouch companion candidates to ck1942

  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD guitar's Avatar
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    Jun 2018
    Thanks, BC. I may NEVER get verified, if that's the case. But thanks anyway.

  4. #4
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    I am sure you have seen two providers in the past who will vouch for you. Kynsley morgan is here so is KiKi also wildcat maria, Adaline and biloxi barbie are here. I am sure there are more who are escaping my mind. You should not have any problem getting a few to help you out. If you know ladies who are not here have them register and get verified then they can help verify you.

  5. #5
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Greyghost's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info BC. I have seen a verified provider from this site and posted a review. I asked her to vouch for me but she was not sure how to make it happen. I have given her the info from your post but have not heard back yet. I also sent a pm to ck1942 but have not gotten a reply from him either. It’s a frustrating process but see that others have done it so I am still hopeful.

  6. #6
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    Greyghost one provider will not cut it you need two verified providers to vouch for you to get verified. It seems to be a bit of a pain but its probably for the best. If its this hard for legit dawgs to get verified then imagine how hard it will be for LE or a mandel? So just be patient have TWO verified providers either email or pm a vouch for you then wait for the results. Really your not missing anything because there are really no threads in the locker room so other than reading national forums or other states you are really only missing the rest of the story private section in the reviews.

  7. #7
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Good job helping our fellow hobbiest's out Basscat !

  8. #8
    Verified Hobbyist BCD DocHoliday's Avatar
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    In a secret, heavliy defended, underground lair somewhere in the OH2 Badlands
    OP, you may want to take the time to read this thread.
    Newbie members friendly. Troll inhospitable & I have an ever growing troll ignore list!!!
    I’m your Huckleberry and this hobby is just my game. Ladies, just say when!! #Pussy Posse founding member
    If you’re BSC, probably BSC, a drama Queen/King, WK or troll, DON’T PM me or post in my threads
    Thanks for your cooperation.
    Email for issues is The verification process is HERE The review gremlin patch is HERE

  9. #9
    Verified Hobbyist BCD guitar's Avatar
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    Jun 2018
    I've seen many different providers, as it states in my Encounter Reports on different sites, but none of them are verified on this site. So I'm kinda back to sqare 1. I appreciate all yall's input, Basscat especially, but I'm afraid I'm stuck in the pattern I'm in for a while. I've even tried posting in the forum where the ladies are leaving us some pics of themselves. It says I'm not able to because of a list of reasons that it shows me when I try. I guess you have to be verified to post a comment in those catagories as well. Guess I'm have to hang out here for now. But thanks Doc and Basscat. Maybe one day I can be with yall. It'll just take me a while.

  10. #10
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Apr 2018
    Don't feel bad Guitar, I can't seem to get verified on here either.

  11. #11
    Verified Hobbyist BCD guitar's Avatar
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    Jun 2018
    Guys and gals, don't get the wrong impression here. I'm not mad or pissing and moaning because I've tried and tried to get verified on this site. I'm only stating that I don't have any providers ALREADY VERIFIED ON THIS SITE, that can vouch for me to get me a verified status. It's not that I haven't seen any providers in the past, it's just that the one's I've seen, are from STG, or the old Backpage site, or, these places. I am in now way bitching about it. Maybe someday, I can hobby with some of the ladies that can help me get to where u guys are, on here. WHEN MY OIL WELL COMES IN. The holidays are approaching fast and Santa will be taking my $. I sure wish I was rich like Basscat and Doc H., then my troubles would be over.

  12. #12
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Basscat's Avatar
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    I assure you I am blue collar as they come. I wouldn't know rich if it fell on me. While I may not have been smart enough to finish college and become a professional, I was smart enough to never marry or have children. So that megar income of mine goes a lot further than say that of a married man with a few kids. So when your watching your bank account shrink because jr has to pay out of state tuition know that I am spending my funds nailing young women. Who knows who is going to come out ahead in the end. I am sure none of the ******s I see are going to clean my old nasty ass when I am laying in my own filth dying. Maybe your ungrateful kid will. I know I did with both my parents. All I know is watching all my married friends complain about their kids and all the money they spend on them makes me glad I took my dads advice and never had children. He always told me that my brother and I ruined his life and if he could just go back and finish in moms mouth his life would have been a 1000x better. What could I say to that? He was completely right. So I cleaned his ass when he got cancer and died in hopes that it was at least something in return for all he sacrificed. Point of the story is if any young poon hound is reading this DO NOT MAKE BABIES. Live free and unencumbered and fuck a thousand ******s if you can. You wont regret it

  13. #13
    Verified Hobbyist BCD guitar's Avatar
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    Jun 2018
    What u gone do, Basscat, when one day the doorbell rings and some half grown HOTTIE says, "Daddy, I finally found you!" One of your old past GOOD TIMES, turns out to have made u a daddy!!!

  14. #14
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Raydot37's Avatar
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    Vancouver BC
    Not to add to your anguish.I am also waiting to get verified. With 4 Oh2 verified companions, submitted 3 reviews, but still waiting. Good news is several gorgeous lovely ladys will still see you. You just have send your request and provide verification info from previous encounters even if not from oh2.
    Good luck!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    You should ask one of two fat old ladies that you met for verification. lol

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