Review: Olympia Spa
Date: 1st week of May
Therapist: L***a
Phone or Pager: (210) 566 - 8088
Email Address: n/a
URL / Website:
City: Selma
State: Texas
Area / Address: NE side of San Antonio
Appointment Type: In-call
Provider Category: Massage/Spa
Activities: Oriental deep tissue with a happy ending
Session Length Scheduled: 1 hour
Fee: .60
Total Paid: .85
Was Tipping or Upselling an issue? No
Was the Description you were given accurate? Yes
Hair Color and Length: Dark Brunette down past her shoulders in a pony tail
Age: 30’s
Race: Chinese
Perfume/Fragrance: None
Smoking Status: Non-smoker
Where did you hear about this provider: Knew from a previous spa experience
Provider`s Body: HWP, 5’4” 115lbs (stronger than she looks)
What was the Provider's Attitude like? Quiet personality
Comments link:
Would you recommend this Provider to others? Yes