With eccie being just a discussion board now. KC guys are kind of freaking out.

Seems All their eggs were in one basket(ECCIE)
Even with the site being shut down 2 times still no change or thought of change. Now with no way to find ladies other that coed. They just dont know what to do.....

**There are no lack of views on this board....
there are only a lack of contributors. ....so when you go and look at all of the co-ed and you go and look at all of the welcome section but you don't contribute at all, you're actually helping to keep "it a ghost town"

Wondering if You Should Use Tob(NOOOO) TER(No)

Oh2= the most eccie girls in 1 place

I'm not going to start using any other sites
Ill stick to p411 and oh2. We're about to be in a time like when Aspd shut down and everyone scrambled everywhere to find ladies.

Instead of just making the switch. KCMo wants to hang on to the past and the complain about it.

Thoughts . ..??