Yes, people will circumnavigate the tax, but not near enough people to take notice. 2dogs, it sounds to me like you've got a still in your bathroom rather than heading over to the liquor store. Personally, I only smoked cigarettes for about five years and I still smoke cigars, but I don't buy tobacco off the streets and roll up a fat cigar with my deadbolt locked and incense burning. It's easier to pay the tax, except for Cuban cigars. That damn pre-embargo tobacco is expensive! I'd rather put a few boxes in my checked luggage when I travel out of the country.

Can't you just imagine walking into Valero and buying a pack of Marlborough Greens for $10 a pack, or even going to Cigar Cigar and buying the fine Cohiba Green for a higher price? If the Federal and State Government taxed and regulated it, millions would be added to the budget. Period.

Also, it WOULD have to be regulated. An enforcement similar to alcohol would suffice.

This alone will not turn the economy around, but in addition to added revenue, you'll have a more relaxed and calm society.;)

I do agree with you that the balls of the Tenth Ammendment being castrated. Both Democrats and Republicans alike can support the strong Federal Government. Obama wants the bipartisan government. Shouldn't he know that a centralized Federal Government is probably the biggest thing both parties agree on? He supports a strong Federal Government. Aren't the democrats supposed to push for more of the States' involvement and less of a centralized Federal Government?