I have an honest question, I’ve asked several providers this but got varying answers. Why don’t you carry a little snubnose or something in a small clutch type purse? I am fully supportive of someone defending themselves against harm, no matter the cost and I don’t know how you ladies do it walking into situations blind sometimes. Not knowing the gent or surroundings, that is a recipe for bad things if the other party has bad intentions. CC classes are about everywhere if you’ve never been around firearms, and I also believe if your packin’ you had better be trained with it as well. I’m not advocating you pull a piece everytime a guy keeps asking for buttsex,.. but if you feel your life is in danger why not be prepared for circumstances just as this?
Hopefully that question is against the rules, I’m only concerned for the well being of everyone in the hobby. If gents knew, hey this girl could be packing and don’t take any shit, it would ward off most bad guys anyhow,.. at least in theory.