Where newcomers, male or female, may start only ONE thread to introduce themselves to the community; ask and obtain answers to any question, and suffer no flames. NO ADS! NO REVIEWS!
Only validated Providers/Companions may post in this area. Contact the local moderator or support@ourhome2.net to arrange access. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
This forum is visible to all who pass by, lurkers and registered members, etc.
Where newcomers, male or female, may introduce themselves to the community; ask and obtain answers to any question, and suffer no flames. NO ADS! NO REVIEWS!
Only verified companions may post in this area. Contact the local moderator to arrange access. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Only BCD and provider members have access here.
Where newcomers, male or female, may introduce themselves to the community; ask and obtain answers to any question, and suffer no flames. NO ADS! NO REVIEWS!
Only verified companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Posting hours - from 6 a.m. Friday to 6 p.m. Sunday. Only 1 ad per weekend in this forum. Advertisers, please note in which city you will be.
Where newcomers, male or female, may introduce themselves to the community; ask and obtain answers to any question, and suffer no flames. NO ADS! NO REVIEWS!
Only verified companions may post in this area. Contact the local moderator to arrange access. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Where newcomers, male or female, may introduce themselves to the community; ask and obtain answers to any question, and suffer no flames. NO ADS! NO REVIEWS!
Only registered Providers may post in this area. Contact the local moderator to arrange access. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Posting hours - from noon Friday to 6 p.m. Sunday.
No fancy stuff, no graphics, no photos. Just days, hours & rates. Screening terms if you must but those are better placed in signature.
Only 1 ad per weekend in this forum. Ads here are allowed in addition to the normal 1 ad per 7 days rule.
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Posting hours - from noon Friday to 6 p.m. Sunday.
No fancy stuff, no graphics, no photos. Just days, hours & rates. Screening terms if you must but those are better placed in signature.
Only 1 ad per weekend in this forum. Ads here are allowed in addition to the normal 1 ad per 7 days rule.
Where newcomers, male or female, may introduce themselves to the community; ask and obtain answers to any question, and suffer no flames. NO ADS! NO REVIEWS!
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Posting hours - from noon Friday to 6 p.m. Sunday.
No fancy stuff, no graphics, no photos. Just days, hours & rates. Screening terms if you must but those are better placed in signature.
Only 1 ad per weekend in this forum. Ads here are allowed in addition to the normal 1 ad per 7 days rule.
This forum is visible to all who pass by, lurkers and registered members, etc.
Where newcomers, male or female, may introduce themselves to the community; ask and obtain answers to any question, and suffer no flames. NO ADS! NO REVIEWS!
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Where newcomers, male or female, may start only ONE thread to introduce themselves to the community; ask and obtain answers to any question, and suffer no flames. NO ADS! NO REVIEWS! No "HIDE" tags! No rate discussions!
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Verified Hobbyists Only
Specific city reviews will be created soon.
Where newcomers, male or female, may introduce themselves to the community; ask and obtain answers to any question, and suffer no flames. NO ADS! NO REVIEWS!
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Where newcomers, male or female, may introduce themselves to the community; ask and obtain answers to any question, and suffer no flames. NO ADS! NO REVIEWS!
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Posting hours - from noon Friday to 6 p.m. Sunday.
No fancy stuff, no graphics, no photos. Just days, hours & rates. Screening terms if you must but those are better placed in signature.
Only 1 ad per weekend in this forum. Ads here are allowed in addition to the normal 1 ad per 7 days rule.
Where newcomers, male or female, may introduce themselves to the community; ask and obtain answers to any question, and suffer no flames. NO ADS! NO REVIEWS!
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Where newcomers, male or female, may start only ONE thread to introduce themselves to the community; ask and obtain answers to any question, and suffer no flames. NO ADS! NO REVIEWS!
Daily ads allowed. Only registered Companions may post in this area. Contact the local moderator or support@ourhome2.net to arrange access. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Posting hours - from 6 a.m. Friday to 6 p.m. Sunday. 1 ad per weekend.
Where newcomers, male or female, may start only ONE thread to introduce themselves to the community; ask and obtain answers to any question, and suffer no flames. NO ADS! NO REVIEWS!
Daily ads allowed. Only registered Companions may post in this area. Contact the local moderator or support@ourhome2.net to arrange access. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Posting hours - from 6 a.m. Friday to 6 p.m. Sunday. Only 1 ad per weekend.
This forum is visible to all who pass by, lurkers and registered members, etc.
Includes both sides of the State Line. Please see our new Kansas forum set for Wichita and other Kansas areas.
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Only 1 ad per weekend in this forum. Companions may announce their weekend availability anytime after 8 a.m. on the Monday before the upcoming weekend. Same content rules as normal ad forums.
Hobbyists seeking short lead time appointments today in Kansas City may post that interest here. Companions may reply, but may not post ads. Abuse of this forum will result in loss of access.
Where newcomers, male or female, may introduce themselves to the community; ask and obtain answers to any question, and suffer no flames. NO ADS! NO REVIEWS!
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Where newcomers, male or female, may introduce themselves to the community; ask and obtain answers to any question, and suffer no flames. NO ADS! NO REVIEWS!
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Where newcomers, male or female, may introduce themselves to the community; ask and obtain answers to any question, and suffer no flames. NO ADS! NO REVIEWS!
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Where newcomers, male or female, may start only ONE thread to introduce themselves to the community; ask and obtain answers to any question, and suffer no flames. NO ADS! NO REVIEWS!
Daily ads allowed. For everyone's convenience, ads should specify the city in which the activities will happen.
Posting hours - from 6 a.m. Friday to 6 p.m. Sunday. Only 1 ad per weekend in this forum. Weekend ads may also be posted in the Nebraska ad forum.
Where newcomers, male or female, may introduce themselves to the community; ask and obtain answers to any question, and suffer no flames. NO ADS! NO REVIEWS!
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Only earned BCD and provider members have access here. Members "validated" by providers for bcd also have access here even if they do not post reviews.
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Where newcomers, male or female, may introduce themselves to the community; ask and obtain answers to any question, and suffer no flames. NO ADS! NO REVIEWS!
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Posting hours - from noon Friday to 6 p.m. Sunday.
No fancy stuff, no graphics, no photos. Just days, hours & rates. Screening terms if you must but those are better placed in signature.
Only 1 ad per weekend in this forum. Ads here are allowed in addition to the normal 1 ad per 7 days rule.
Due to hobbyverse conditions elsewhere, the Oklahoma State forum set has been expanded to include separate Oklahoma City and Tulsa forum sets.
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
This is a discussion forum. Please use the ISO forum for ISOs.
all reviews accepted pending forum expansions
A place for non-hobby discussion; respect and civility rule.
Where newcomers, male or female, may start only ONE thread to introduce themselves to the community; ask and obtain answers to any question, and suffer no flames. NO ADS! NO REVIEWS!
Currently open to all who qualify, but shortly will be restricted to those truly active in the area. NO ADS, NO REVIEWS.
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Where newcomers, male or female, may introduce themselves to the community; ask and obtain answers to any question, and suffer no flames. NO ADS! NO REVIEWS!
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Posting hours - from noon Friday to 6 p.m. Sunday.
No fancy stuff, no graphics, no photos. Just days, hours & rates. Screening terms if you must but those are better placed in signature.
Reviews of street, phone sex, peep show booths, etc. that otherwise do not fit the traditional Indy, Agency, etc. forums.
Off topic posts go here.
Where newcomers, male or female, may introduce themselves to the community; ask and obtain answers to any question, and suffer no flames. NO ADS! NO REVIEWS!
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Posting hours - from noon Friday to 6 p.m. Sunday.
No fancy stuff, no graphics, no photos. Just days, hours & rates. Screening terms if you must but those are better placed in signature.
Only 1 ad per weekend in this forum. Ads here are allowed in addition to the normal 1 ad per 7 days rule.
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Posting hours - from noon Friday to 6 p.m. Sunday.
No fancy stuff, no graphics, no photos. Just days, hours & rates. Screening terms if you must but those are better placed in signature.
Only 1 ad per weekend in this forum. Ads here are allowed in addition to the normal 1 ad per 7 days rule.
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
This is a temporary forum due to construction. All may post here, welcomes, reviews, discussion. Place the ads next door, please.
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Where newcomers, male or female, may introduce themselves to the community; ask and obtain answers to any question, and suffer no flames. NO ADS! NO REVIEWS!
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Posting hours - from noon Friday to 6 p.m. Sunday.
No fancy stuff, no graphics, no photos. Just days, hours & rates. Screening terms if you must but those are better placed in signature.
Only 1 ad per weekend in this forum. Ads here are allowed in addition to the normal 1 ad per 7 days rule.
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Where newcomers, male or female, may introduce themselves to the community; ask and obtain answers to any question, and suffer no flames. NO ADS! NO REVIEWS!
Where newcomers, male or female, may introduce themselves to the community; ask and obtain answers to any question, and suffer no flames. NO ADS! NO REVIEWS!
Daily posting allowed. Only validated Companions may post in this area. Advertisers, for best results, specify which city or cities you are visiting.
Posting hours - from 6 a.m Friday to 6 p.m. Sunday. Only 1 ad per weekend.
Post all requests and ISOs in this forum.